Oral Walters Oral Walters is the Pastor at The Liberty Church Impact Ministries, and pastors alongside his wife, Dionne Walters. He is a phenomenal self-taught musician, and psalmist, who’s desire is to spread the Gospel using the gifts God has blessed him with. With his musical abilities, he is like King David, who when he played his harp caused King Saul to experience freedom. His music inspires all those who are in his presence.
He has a passion for soul-winning, and to further the Kingdom of God through this platform. He loves to share the Gospel in depth, in context, and in TRUTH. His mission statement comes from 2 Timothy 2:15 which states, “Study to shew thyself approved unto
God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. We know that without knowledge people will perish, so Oral will always strive to edify everyone he meets with words that will shape their lives.
To have the best experience, tune into “THE INSPIRATIONAL GOSPEL SHOW” with Pastors Dionne and Oral Walters, Sundays from 6 am to 10 am, on THE STATION FOR THE NATION SUGA 95.7FM. They are Christ’s Ambassadors to the NATIONS. oralwalters@suga957.com