South Carolina boasts diverse wild bird species. If you want to explore South Carolina’s rich avian diversity, then you have come to the right place. Delve into some iconic backyard birds, from year-round residents to migratory visitors. Learn how to draw them with various feeders.
Take A Look at the Backyard Birds of SC:
We will explore a few distinct backyard bird species found in South Carolina. This is not an exhaustive list of the notable and recognizable birds of sc. Obtaining precise counts of bird species in North America, the United States, or even South Carolina remains challenging.
1. Northern Cardinal
Scientific name: Cardinalis cardinalis
Northern Cardinals are prominent backyard birds across North America. Males boast bright red feathers with a black mask. The females exhibit paler brown shades with hints of red. Distinguished by their “mohawks” and reddish-orange beaks, both genders remain year-round residents in South Carolina.
Seed feeders attract Cardinals; a mix of seeds and black sunflower seeds is ideal.
2. Tufted Titmouse
Scientific name: Baeolophus bicolor
Tufted Titmice with their small crests are common birds of South Carolina. Sporting silver-gray tops, lighter underparts, and a distinctive black patch above their beaks, they’re easily identified. Found year-round in South Carolina, these birds frequent seed feeders. They particularly enjoy mixed seed blends and black sunflower seeds.
3. Carolina Chickadee
Scientific name: Poecile carolinensis
Sporting a “black cap” and bib, Carolina Chickadees possess white cheeks, gray wings, and fluffy underbodies. Their curiosity and boldness near feeders make them easy to spot. These tiny birds of South Carolina remain year-round residents across South Carolina. They often visit seed feeders for mixed seed blends and black sunflower seeds.
4. Blue Jay
Scientific name: Cyanocitta cristata
Blue Jays feature blue crests, black rings around their necks, and white bellies. Their loud calls often serve as warnings to nearby predators. These birds reside year-round in South Carolina and are frequently spotted in backyards and at feeders.
For Blue Jays, offer black sunflower seeds, mixed seeds, and peanuts through platform or peanut feeders.
5. Eastern Bluebird
Scientific name: Sialia sialis
Eastern Bluebirds, known for their striking blue color, prefer birdhouses for nesting. Year-round residents in South Carolina, their presence enhances any backyard. Although not heavy feeder visitors, they may be enticed by mealworms on tray feeders or in dishes.
6. Brown Thrasher
Scientific name: Toxostoma rufum
With a warm brown hue, streaked breasts, and yellow eyes, Brown Thrashers excel in song. These skilled foragers seek bugs and are year-round residents in South Carolina.
7. American Robin
Scientific name: Turdus migratorius
American Robins with their distinctive red bellies are prevalent in yards. While primarily worm hunters, they occasionally visit feeders. Found year-round in South Carolina, they endure winter and flourish in spring.
8. Mourning Dove
Scientific name: Zenaida macroura
Similar in size to robins, Mourning Doves exhibit a gray hue with black spots. They frequently perch on telephone wires and are found year-round throughout South Carolina.
9. European Starling
Scientific name: Sturnus vulgaris
European Starlings are invasive and dominate many regions. Identified by dark bodies with white specks, they thrive year-round across South Carolina. However, these birds of sc should not be intentionally attracted due to their disruptive behavior.
10. American Goldfinch
Scientific name: Spinus tristis
American Goldfinches are cherished for their bright yellow feathers. They appear year-round in western South Carolina and during fall and winter in the east.
11. Carolina Wren
Scientific name: Thryothorus ludovicianus
Carolina Wrens sport reddish-brown upperparts and lighter orangish underparts. Noteworthy features include their slightly curved beak and bold white “eyebrow.” Their resonant “teakettle-teakettle” song sets them apart. Although they tend to hide in brush, their distinctive call makes these birds of SC identifiable.
These wrens are year-round residents in South Carolina and across the southeastern U.S. Their presence is often noted near suet feeders, offering a delightful sight in backyards.
12. Brown-Headed Nuthatch
Scientific name: Sitta pusilla
Brown-headed Nuthatches are petite nuthatches distinguished by their black, chisel-shaped beaks, blue-gray backs, and light chests. Their signature brown caps extend from beak to nape. They are limited to pine forests of the U.S. Southeast. They exhibit unique behaviors such as hopping up and down trees searching for insects and pine seeds. Their distinctive squeaking call is reminiscent of a rubber duck.
These nuthatches are year-round residents of South Carolina’s pine forests. While mainly forest dwellers, they might be lured to your yard with suet feeders.
13. House Finch
Scientific name: Haemorhous mexicanus
House Finches thrive in South Carolina’s backyards. They showcase streaked brown males with red accents on the head and chest, and uniformly brown females. Although they’re invasive in the Eastern U.S., they don’t garner the same animosity as some other invasive species. Attracting them can lead to bustling flocks visiting feeders.
These finches are present throughout the year in South Carolina. To welcome them, provide thistle feeders with sunflower chips or black sunflower seeds.
14. Gray Catbird
Scientific name: Dumetella carolinensis
Gray Catbirds are robin-sized birds of SC known for their slate-gray plumage, black cap, and rusty-red patch beneath their tails. Though often hidden, their distinctive meowing-like calls set them apart. Fond of fruit, they can be attracted to yards with native fruit-bearing plants.
These catbirds are found in the western and central parts of South Carolina during spring and summer. They might stick around the eastern coast throughout the year.
While not frequent visitors to bird feeders, they occasionally show up for fruits, berries, and sweet treats. However, they primarily forage in bushes and on the ground.
15. Chipping Sparrow- Common birds of SC
Scientific name: Spizella passerina
Chipping Sparrows exhibit a crisp appearance in summer with a buffy gray breast, streaked wings, rusty-red cap, and distinctive eye-line. In winter, their plumage may appear less defined. These sparrows are skilled foragers, often found on open ground.
Year-round residents in South Carolina, Chipping Sparrows are regulars at feeders. They will surely come for scattered seeds like sunflower and millet.
16. Downy Woodpecker
Scientific name: Picoides pubescens
Downy Woodpeckers, the smallest woodpeckers in North America, are distinguishable by their black and white markings. They can be identified by their striped heads and the red spots on the backs of males. They are common visitors to various feeders.
These birds of South Carolina are year-round residents in this place. They’re often spotted at mixed seed feeders, black sunflower seed feeders, and suet feeders.
17. Northern Mockingbird
Scientific name: Mimus polyglottos
Renowned for their mimicry skills, Northern Mockingbirds imitate the songs of various bird species. Their gray and white plumage, accompanied by a long tail, distinguishes them. While common in backyards, they don’t frequent feeders.
These birds are year-round residents in South Carolina. To draw them in, consider native fruit-bearing bushes or a bird bath.
18. Ruby-Throated Hummingbird- Amazing Birds of South Carolina
Scientific name: Archilochus colubris
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are a highlight of Eastern U.S. yards, renowned for their agility and iridescent plumage. Males boast a bright ruby-red throat, while females exhibit an emerald-green appearance.
In South Carolina, they are common visitors from spring to fall. These birds of South Carolina are best lured by nectar feeders placed in April or May.
19. Eastern Towhee
Scientific name: Pipilo erythrophthalmus
They are distinguished by their dark head and back. The Eastern Towhees flaunt striking contrasts of white wing spots and orange sides. Their beautiful songs echo through the woods during spring and summer.
Year-round residents in South Carolina, these Birds of South Carolina often hop around beneath feeders, adding a touch of vibrancy.
South Carolina is a haven for birding enthusiasts who seek to explore beyond their backyards. To witness these captivating avian wonders, consider visiting Bells Marina and Resort. Embark on your birding expedition today. Experience the thrill of encountering these remarkable species in their natural habitat.